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In Memoriam
Hugo Partsch

It is with an indescribable amount of sadness that we announce the passing of Hugo Partsch - founder of the International Compression Club and mentor to all of us.
Hugo died peacefully at home on January 26th, 2023.
May he forever be in our hearts and may his spirit live on through the scientific activities of the ICC and all its members.
Condolences can be left below.
Many of you sent pictures of moments you shared with Hugo, which we have incorporated into this gallery

Hugo and Josefine Damm in Austria 2016
Provided by Josefine Damm

Hugo and Nurses, ILF Rotterdam
Provided by Jeanette Muldoon

Hugo in Balaruc, 2012
Provided by Jean-Patrick Benigni

Hugo and Josefine Damm in Austria 2016
Provided by Josefine Damm
Condolences (117)
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Dear Family and Friends,
I am sure that Hugo never dies in our minds.
After his death I dream of Him repeatedly. I was able to recall our very first direct personal talk in Paris at WUWHS congress after the session chaired by our close Friend, John M. Macdonald when Hugo invited my Wife, John and myself for a coffee cause He found my paper which I presented a few minutes ago intersting enough. I am still delighted when Hugo used to choose Szeged for his first visit to our university clinic instead of Barcelona which invitation he refused to the favor of ours. I still remember our fascinating dinner in the EWMA meeting in Budapest again with John MacDonald. The 1st Szeged Lymphology Day held in 2010 keeps being a strong impression for each of the former and current members of our department staff where Hugo together Ethel Földi, BB Lee, Judit Daróczy, Géza Tasnádi and Imre Bihari shed light on the latest findings in practical phlebology and lymphology. Some later He was the one who invited me to join the ICC and I was able to know its main mission according to his words: "Bringing people together".
Yes, Hugo you brought people together and this spiritual mission is still and will be an important "ars poetica" of these unique societies ICC and CIRC.
I hope to meet you in my upcoming dreams and will rely on your indefeasible advices.
Gyozo Szolnoky (Hungary)
Dear Uschi,
I imagine your sadness, I send you my most sincere condolences. Hugo will remain alive in my memory as a man of quality of heart and science. He leaves us a great heritage that we will continue to grow.
Thank you... HUGO
JP Belgrado
I will always remember Hugo as an astute yet humble scientist, caring and skilful doctor, and warm friend to many. He shared his knowledge freely, with a real passion, and always with his wonderful smile. His legacy will live on over the years and encourage others to learn the real truth about and science of compression. Thank you Hugo.
My condolences to the family.
Anne Williams
Dear Ursula and family,
What an incredibly sad news.
I have always highly appreciated Professor Partsch. Not only because of his (shared) passion for the subject of compression, but also because of his warm personality and humor. He will be remembered for everything he has contributed during his long working life.
I want to wish you lots of strength with this loss.
My condolences,
Linda Keur
Essity Netherlands B.V.
Dear Ursula and Family,
Please accept my sincere and warmest condolences.
I was so honored to meet Professor Partsch at annual meetings in Amsterdam and Paris... and deeply impressed by Professor Partsch's professional and extensive research work and profound impact on compression science and education... I still clearly remembered the images and voices when Professor Partsch talked to me about the postural influence on flow/pressure tests, and communications/advices on experimental and clinical studies on compression therapy… and also the pleasant scenes that sang the songs together at the dinner time of annual meetings...All these are encouraging me to continue explorations and efforts in the related fields and more…I do cherish all the nice and warm memories forever in my heart…
Yours sincerely,
Rong Liu
The father of modern compression therapy who gave us tools how to measure, compare, improve treatment of venous leg ulcers…One of the few giants in this field. A true gentleman and dedicated teacher and mentor. He will be greatly missed but never forgotten.
Rest in Peace Professor.
Serbian College of Phlebology
Dear Family Partsch,
Please accept my condolences for your biggest lost.
Prof Partsch was an extraordinary facilitator of understanding compression therapy worldwide and it was my great honour to meet him during Wound Congress as well as Wiener Kompression Schule.
R.I.P. Prof. Partsch...🖤🖤🖤
Wanna Binder
Please accept my sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues (mostly also friends) of Professor Partsch, always accessible and approachable to almost everyone as "Hugo". He was my absolute role model both scientifically and interpersonally. His passing marks the end of an era. An era where complete commitment to improving the treatment of patients with compression therapy was more important than ego and personal gain, and where everyone was treated with respect and gentle consideration. I will forever remember Hugo with respect and affection and try to respectfully preserve his legacy.
Arina ten Cate-Hoek
Dear Eva, Uschi and Ben, Your husband, father and grandfather was a truly amazing man. We are so many all around the world who will miss him immensely.
The generosity was such a solid pillar in his character. No matter if it was to guide a confused man from Sweden around Vienna’s historical quarters. Or gently guide his naive thinking around a compression idea. His encyclopaedia knowledge was fantastic. It was almost a general ritual that whatever you came up with, he said something like ”That sounds a bit what NN did in the seventies”. And then a few moments later - he came with the full reference to that particular related study. Things like that can not be googled.
I will keep Hugo in a special warm and cosy corner in my memory and will forever be grateful that I got the opportunity and great fortune to call him my friend.
Torbjörn ”Toby” Lundh
Dear Ursula and Family,
Please accept my warmest condolences.
Hugo was a brilliant Doctor and a genuine Gentleman.
It has been a privilege knowing him.
He will be sorely missed.
Rest in Peace.
John ioannis Prionidis
Vascular Surgeon, UK/Greece
Dear Ursula,
My wife and me had the opportunity to meet him in person many years ago and having had the opportunity to meet him even later, we were very impressed not only by his great professional qualities, but also by his great human ones. We will keep a wonderful memory of him in our heart. Mario e Monica Santoro - CEO medi Italia
I was shocked and saddened to read the news of Hugo’s passing. An expert in his field I always looked forward to hearing him speak at conferences or education sessions. So many people we care for have benefited from improved management and treatment thanks to Hugo. My thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.
Janie Beckhouse CNC Wound Australia
We received the very sad news that our shining example in the world of Phebology, professor Hugo Partsch, has passed away. We hereby offer our sincere condolences.
We will remember the professor as a great inspirer. He will be dearly missed in the world of Phlebology. We cherish all the good memories.
Cora Hazelzet, on behalf of the Dutch College of Phlebology
Hugo's research and generosity in sharing his knowledge on compression will live on in daily practice. It was a great pleasure to meet him and hear him speak, my sincere condolences to his family.
Rachael Smithdale
Hugo taught me so much and allowed me here in Australia to commence training on inelastic , short stretch bandages and fully understand the principles behind their efficacy. This was all in a time when everything was high stretch and I was seen as someone fighting against the masses, BUT with his help we got the messages through and I will always be grateful for his support and encouragement. He was a true gentleman. Jan Rice AM, Director Jan Rice Wound Care Services , Australia
Dear Eva, dear Uschi, dear Bernhard, dear Family,
How difficult it is to learn of Hugo's death, how difficult it is to express the emotion we all feel...
Giovanni Mosti summed up this emotion well by underlining Hugo's human qualities, generosity and indulgence... For him, everything - or almost everything - was "lehrreich" - an opportunity to learn. For there is always something to learn. Hugo saw in every spark, however small and fleeting, an opportunity for reflection, a potential way to improve our knowledge, but also to build bridges, friendships, bonds for ever...
I met Hugo and Eva in Les Diablerets well over 30 years ago, before joining the first Oberlech courses and its wonderful participants. Hugo was a visionary who knew how to detect unsuspected qualities in young phlebotologists, encourage them, support them and allow them to progress.
What a great team I discovered then, as the only young French-speaker in these courses. What ski descents... What a welcome... What friendships that have lasted for years...
What memories outside of phlebology... Hugo inviting me and my children to a dedicated tour in St-Peregrin’s statues... He rented a minibus to welcome us in Vienna, and taught us student songs, all along the Danube in full flood, from one church to another, from one sacristan to another...
There is so much to say. We all keep in our hearts memories of emotion, of sharing an incredibly generous man, faithful, full of humour, ... and who was one of the giants of vascular diseases.
Thank you Hugo, thank you for everything.
All our sympathy to your family, whom we love so much.
Albert-Adrien, Françoise, Adrien, Marc-Antoine and Laetitia Ramelet
Dear Ursula and family,
My deepest condolences. He has left us a great professional and scientist and a great person with personal values and a very interesting conversation. I had the opportunity to meet him and talk to him more than twenty years ago, both about science, life and values, and I have to tell you that Dr. Partsch was for me one of those people who leave their mark. Since then our paths have been meeting....
Rest in peace Dr. Partsch!
Joan Enric Torra
Dear Ursula, Ben and all the Partsch family.
What can anyone add to this lovely list of words and thoughts about Hugo. He was simply a wonderful human being and all of us are honoured to have known him. I was hooked into compression after reading his articles in the late 80's. I was thrilled and proud to jointly explore our strapping technique with him and have a joint article; he was simply a hero of mine but many here would recognise this. It was clear that he loved his work and he loved his family. Singing at the ICC meals will never be forgotten. He was a true gentleman, very kind and incredibly generous with his time . So he will be sadly missed but absolutely never forgotten.
Alison Hopkins (UK)
Dear Ursula and family,
Sorry for the loss. My deepest condolences. His contributions to the world of Compression Therapy are significant and lasting! He will be truly missed.
Nagarajan Thoppey